A Web 2.0 Version of Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon Model
(Jeremy Bentham's 1785 Panopticon Model, courtesy of Wikipedia). Pleasure, Resistance & Social Control Web 2.0 continues to accelerate and transform the landscape of contemporary communication. Friends are able to stay in touch via social networks. Distances are eroded. Old friends are reunited. Acquaintances become friends. Romances are sparked. ...It's become a personal tabloid for Gen-Y. ...Your uncool if you don't have one and your uncool if you talk about it in the "real world." . ..It would be odd to say that I " poked" you during dinner. In 1785, the English Philosopher Jeremy Bentham illustrated the Panopticon Model. According to Wikipedia, "the concept of the design is to allow an observer to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) prisoners without the prisoners being able to tell whether they are being watched, thereby conveying what one architect has called the 'sentiment of an invisible omniscience.' Bentham himself described ...