Sneak Preview: 2009 Calendar

(Sneak Preview of South Bay Toyota's 2009 Promotional Calendar)

I'm excited to announce that South Bay Toyota has licensed my images to use for a 2009 promotional calendar. The calendar will feature 12 scenic images from Los Angeles, Orange County and Oahu. I strategically agreed to license my images to Toyota, because the company is constantly moving forward, giving back to the community and funding teenage safety driving programs. After my brother passed away in a non alcohol related crash with his best friend as a result of inexperienced teenage driving, I know the first hand importance of these education programs.

I'm honored that South Bay Toyota and its General Manager David Ortiz continues to pay it forward to you and the community. Yes, the calendar will be a free giveaway this summer at South Bay Toyota. I look forward to announcing the giveaway date in the near future.


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