(Obama, Portrait (Laguna Beach, CA))
(Obama, Portrait, (Laguna Beach, CA))
HOPE! The closely contested Democratic primary is approaching the final stretch. Pennsylvanians cast their vote this coming Tuesday.
I decided to use this opportunity to publicly display my first portrait. Traditionally fine art is displayed in a museum or gallery environment. The work is eloquently displayed with archival materials and proper lightening conditions.
....Building upon the efforts of past artists, I am attempting to continue the paradigm shift in fine art, where the photograph of the public installation becomes the work.
I plan on leaving the piece up for as long as the public permits. If this is 5 minutes or 5 days, the photographs of the installation will historically outlive the public display. The internet and Web 2.0 allows artists, including myself, the opportunity to display this installation to thousands at a moment's notice. Not only are the people driving by the work affected by its presence, but also people who view it online ...including yourself for viewing it on my blog.