Fight On! w/Matt Leinart ...paying it forward....

(Matt Leinart, Stylized Portrait by Tiner).

I first met Matt Leinart during our senior years of college. He was pursuing the illustrious "Three-Pete" (three consecutive NCAA football championships) and I was trying to stay warm on the East Coast finishing my undergraduate studies at Brown University.

In Fall of 2005, after USC defeated Stanford, I met Leinart, Bush, Carroll, Kalil, White, and all of the other USC starting players in the locker room. I really enjoyed the experience and am grateful for my friend Ben, a student team manager that year, to arrange it. This is the spirit of 'SC and one of the reasons why I'm proud to be a Trojan (...constantly giving back and encouraging others to pay it forward).

It's funny how much time two and a half years can make. I'm now enjoying my time on Matt's old stomping grounds ...and he is a quarterback for the Arizona Cardinals. I wonder where we will be in two years? ...I don't know, but I'm enjoying the ride and I'm sure Leinart is as well. :)

(Matt Leinart & Sean Tiner, Fall 2005)

(Sean Fighting On! :) )


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